Tuesday, October 20, 2009

To kiss or not to kiss...

So, I'm puzzled...
What is the deal with the double kiss?! You know what I'm talking about...
When you meet someone or greet someone you air cheek kiss them. Since moving to the UK and having come in contact with many different people from all over the world, this greeting has puzzled me and become a very frequent greeting. In the States we don't really do it. When we meet someone for the first time we shake hands, we don't air kiss them.
I bring this issue up because last week I came into a situation were i was like...do I double cheek them or shake their hand?! I had met the gent before and had talked to him before, and I saw him double kiss a fellow lady...but when I went in for the double kiss I felt very weird and he didn't really do the whole lean in thing like he wanted to double kiss, but it was already to late, i had committed to the kiss....
I just don't get it...and to make things even more complicated, some people want to just do the one kiss thing...JC! Can't we all just unite and have one form of greeting?! Seriously people, I'm loosing sleep over this subject!

French Fall

I might just be the luckiest girl in the world! Viv took me to paris, again! Have I told you how much I love his job..he he.
He and Hannah, my dear Kiwi friend and Viv's co-worker, had a bit of business to attend to in the city of lights, so while they were locked up in the office I slathered on the red lipstick, threw on a beret and wondered around the city practicing the 4 words of French I know.

The Queen Mum

For 3 months now I have been begging my mum to come to London town to visit her daughter. Well after nagging and begging, she finally gave in and hopped on a flight and made it over. She visited for 7 days and we made the best of her time here. She has been to london several times, but always as a 'tourist' never as a 'native'...this trip changed all that.
With me having 'lived' here in London for a few months now, I was able to show her a side of the town that the double-decker bus tour leaves out. We spent our days wondering around the neighborhoods of London. We shopped the interior design stores in Knightsbridge, we discovered local foods in Southwark, we antique shopped in Nottinghill, we looked at gardens in South Kensington, and we took in the arts in Covent Gardens.
I have spent the last 3 months day after day wondering the streets of London by myself, wishing that I had someone with me so I could point out the sights of the city. Having my mum with me satisfied my 3 months of suffocation. Her and I would point out to each other the unusual shrub that we would see, or we would encourage each other to order dessert at the local market or buy the antique that we didn't need, but terribly wanted. Having someone that sees the world the same way you do is a blessing.
I wish she had stayed longer...but all good things must come to an end.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


What can I say....Viv and I went to Paris. Now sigh....

London Calling again...

Here I am, on the Eve of my return to London. I've been back to Chicago, home, for 4 weeks now...and let me tell you a secret, I'm not really looking forward to going back.

Yes, there is a giant reason I want to go back, but there are hundreds of small reasons I don't want to go. Being home makes me appreciate so much stuff. Being able to pick up the phone and just talk to someone, whenever I want to. Non of that waiting for Viv to get home so I can use his international phone, then trying to figure out what time it is in Chicago, then having to keep all my conversations short and sweet as to keep the phone bill down...then there is the driving thing. Being able to get into a car, go where I want to go, know how to get there, and not get lost is a little thing that I'm going to miss. And bigger yet, is the fact that I can jump into the car and be at my parents house is got to be the number one reasons I will miss home. Having friends, family and my furry friend near by is a luxury no one should take for granted. I feel very independent in Chicago. London I feel like a fish out of water. I have a home, a yard, a driveway in Chicago, where in London I can't really make myself a home because its a temporary situation. London is amazing and I'm glad I get to experience it head first, but a home where you can hang a picture on the wall is pretty amazing too...See you at Christmas home sweet home.


After Dubai Viv and I jet set to the tinny islands off the coast of India called Maldives. It is paridise. Every resort is located on its own private island, where you either go by boat or by sea plane to get to your resort destination. I have never been to any place like the Maldives before. We had out own bungalow over the ocean with a breath taking view. Everyday was amazing, and I loved every second of our trip...but the weather was certainly a pain in our rear. I think we probably only saw the sun for approximately 6 hours total in 7 days...but that was enough sun for my to get sunburned...who knew the sun was so string on the equator?! We spend our days being lazy and eating non-stop. We did manage to swim a bit, by we I mean Viv. I'm a little afraid of sea creatures, and although the water was crystal clear, I still was hesitant to jump off our deck and swim with the fishies and sharks that we saw around. Both Viv and I wish we could have stayed longer, especially because the day we left we actually saw blue sky! Its a hike to get there, about 15 hours from London, but well, well worth the hassle...I can't wait to go back, see the sun and blue skies and I will remember to wear SPF 50 this time!